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The Flower.

Andrew Lewis

'What happens when you see the impermanence of a freshly picked flower?

One reaction might be to vow to never buy a fresh flower again because it dies on you. Another is to buy plastic or silk flowers. But a better alternative is to enjoy the delights of the beautiful flower while it is alive. You know how to do that. You don't fall on the floor gnashing your teeth and screaming about the loss of flowers. You've learned to enjoy them while they last, and to understand that when they're gone, they're gone.' (adapted from Larry Rosenberg, 'Three Steps to Awakening)

Nothing is forever. Sometimes we are very glad of that! Often, though, it can lead to sadness and heartache. This is because learning to 'let go' is difficult. It is, nevertheless, in keeping with the natural order of things. Impermanence is guaranteed. Not seeing this clearly, not learning to 'let go', leads to anxiety and misery, and gets in the way of all present joys.

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